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A Journey Tracing the Stories Engraved in Memory

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 7th of March 2025


This months' featured exhibition is titled  'A Journey Tracing the Stories Engraved in Memory'  by Jealousy


To present his featured exhibition 'A Journey Tracing the Stories Engraved in Memory', Jealousy quotes: 

"Because all life comes from the same source, when we feel the powerful, at times selfless, yet fleeting brilliance of creatures’ stories of life, we may unexpectedly recall stories that were once etched in our memories.
Throughout the vast history in which countless life forms have woven themselves, at this very moment, you, I, and the stories of the creatures featured in the exhibition all exist simultaneously. This encounter may have been a mere coincidence, but I would like to believe it is an irreplaceable miracle.
Well then, for a little while, why not surrender to this coincidental encounter, embarking on a small journey with them—one that traces the stories engraved in your memories?"


I invite you to explore Jealousy's unique exhibition and surrender by embarking on a small journey with her.
This exhibition which will be exposed on our opening page  / 
Gallery during the whole month of March 2025. 
Click here to see the entire exhibition: 
[69] Jealousy


To trigger your curiousity, here is a small compilation of images out of this fine exhibition.


'Simple Peace'

'Missed Your Lovely Face?'




'I am not alone'

'Just hold me.'
Thank you so much, I’m really glad!
I love your your work so much, dear Jealousy, you are such an amazing visual story teller. Congratulations, and thank you, dear Yvette.Just wonderful! <3 <3
Thanks, Gabriela ... ;-)
Thank you so much for your kind words, dear Gabriela! I’m truly honored by your praise, and I’m so happy you enjoy my works. Once again, heartfelt thanks! :)
Since longer time I admire your wonderful photos, just continue your excellent photo work, accept my sincerest congratulations
Thank you very much. Your thoughtful words made my day so much better.
I applaud the collection of works which captivate me and I revisit every time I visit. My best compliments, dear friend!
I truly appreciate your touching comment, dear friend. Thank you so much!
Very beautiful and original! Thank you so much for sharing such a fascinating exhibition! Congratulations!
I’m happy to receive an uplifting comment, thank you so much!
Dear Jealousy, your work is unique and compliments for the Magazine feature ..Thanks for sharing Yvette
My pleasure, as you know, dear Rana ;-)
Your wonderful words mean so much to me, thank you, dear Rana!
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Your work has such great style!. Thank you, Jealously and Yvette for bringing us unique and worthwhile images.
Thank you so much, I’m so glad you appreciate my images!
Thanks for your neverlasting appreciation, dear Jane.
I admire your beautiful work so much, dear Jealousy, and it's wonderful to see it featured in the magazine. Congratulations, and thanks as always to Yvette.
Thank you so much for your warm and beautiful words, dear Elizabeth ! It means so much to me.
Thank you, Elizabeth!