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Results Contest - The Power of Colour in photography

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 26th of February 2025


'The Power of Colour in Photography'
The psychology of colours can be the key to take your images from good to extraordinary.
In the world of photography, capturing the essence of a moment isn’t just about the subjects or the composition. It’s also about the colours that weave through the frame, creating a visual tapestry that can evoke emotions, set the mood, and leave a lasting impact.

The winners with the most votes are: 

1st place : Tatyana Skorokhod

2nd place : Samanta Krivec
3rd place : Hadi Malijani

Congratulations to the winners and honourable mentions and thanks to all the participants in the contest 'The Power of Colour in photography' 


The currently running theme is 'Urban Photography'
Cityscapes or street photography ... Make your choice.
Urban photography is broad.
Is it the grand architecture and cityscapes, the people, the weird quirky moments, or the quiet scenes. It's all of that!

This contest will end on Sunday the 9th of March at midnight.
The sooner you upload your submission the more chance you have to gather the most votes.
If you haven't uploaded your photo yet, click here

Good luck to all the participants.


1st place by Tatyana Skorokhod

2nd place by Samanta Krivec

3rd place by Hadi Malijani

by Louie Luo

by Rolf Endermann

by Renate Reichert

by Ivo Belmans

by Hilda van der Lee

by Roberto Corinaldesi

by Piet Haaksma

You can see the names of the TOP 50

The contests are open to everybody except to crew members.
Submitting images already published / awarded on 1x is allowed.

Congratulations wonderful photos!!
Congratulations, amazing pictures!
Wonderful photos, thanks very much
Beautiful! photos with stunning colours. Congratulations! to the winners and all who contributed.
All absolutely fabulous photos, I enjoyed each one.
Wonderful photographs, excellent quality, lovely colors, superb selection dear Yvette and congratulations to all winners 🏆🥇🏆
Susan PRO
Gorgeous images !
Great works congratulations to all !!
Superb pictures ! Congratulations to all photographers !!!
Magnificas obras! Enhorabuena a todos y en especial a las ganadoras!
Great work. Congratulations to all authors!!
All the images are so beautiful , hearty congratulations to all the winners and all the participants
All the images are so beautiful , congratulations to all the winners andpartipants
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I am very happy for this.
Gorgeous work Congratulations to all winners.
Thank you very much, Yvette, for your great work! I am deeply touched by your attention! Congratulations to the other award winners and also to the honorable mentions.