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Results contest : The magic of dawn

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 5th of June 2024


'The magic of dawn'
Embrace the dawn and enjoy the serene and undisturbed atmosphere of early mornings. They offer a soft light and peaceful aesthetic. The low angle of the sun means the rays hit at a uniform angle, giving a diffuse, even light. For landscape photographers, it’s worth getting up early to capture this magical time of day. Enjoy the beautiful submissions of the early birds participants.

The winners with the most votes are: 
1st place : DDiArte
2nd place : Clas Gustafson PRO 
3rd place : Martin Kucera AFIAP 

Congratulations to the winners and honourable mentions and thanks to all the participants in the contest 'The magic of dawn' 


The currently running theme is 'The World of double and multiple exposures'.
Double and multiple exposures are resulting in artistic and creative images. It is an exciting way to push your artistic limits, especially with the flexibility provided by digital editing software.

This contest will end on Sunday the 16th of June at midnight.
The sooner you upload your submission the more chance you have to gather the most votes.
If you haven't uploaded your photo yet, click here

Good luck to all the participants.


1st place: by DDiArte



2nd place: by Clas Gustafson PRO

3rd place: by Martin Kucera AFIAP

by Thomas de Franzoni
by Ben.C.L
by Alessandro Traverso
by Piet Haaksma
by brigitte van krimpen
by Nicolae Stefanel Rusu
by Stefano Cicali

You can see the names of the TOP 50

The contests are open to everybody except to crew members.

Submitting images already published / awarded on 1x is allowed.

Great photos. Congratulations my friends.
So lovely these photographs congratulations.
like the images
Lovely photographs, congratulations to all winners and great thanks to all participants
Congratulations to all winners. Beautiful captures
Excellent images!
thanks a lot
An excellent image. Congratulations to the participants!