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Travel story: Looking for and finding this little girl... 10 years later

by Editor Yvette Depaepe

"Where is this 3 years old little girl?" by Yvette Depaepe

This is a wonderful story that I like to share we you.

Two months ago, a long time planned journey to Nepal finally happened.
Marc Apers  and his lovely wife Greetje, were travelling with me.

Before starting, I would like to recommand the travel company “Footprints Nepal Travels and Tours” hold by 1x member
Ajay Pant in Kathmandu.  He organized our trip in a perfect way responding on our particular demands and guided us through several locations.

We arrived in Kathmandu the 13st of February, 2018.
Ajay was waiting to welcome us at the Airport and drove us to our hotel in Thamel.

Part of our journey was Pokhara and Astam.

Astam is an Annapurna Eco-Village  composed of several cottages set amongst an eco-farm within a traditional Nepali village and the backdrop is the majestic Annapurna range. Fishtail mountain looms in all its glory!

Astam resort 

The traditional village life in Nepal is truly based on the Eco friendly concept. 
Astam means “Sunset Village”. It stands as the best example of an Eco village in and around the Annapurna region. Astam is one of an unspoiled place in natural as well as cultural aspect.
The food is mostly grown in their own gardens without the use of chemical pesticides (bio-pesticides are used) and deliciously cooked in the traditional Nepali way.
Astam eco-village is easily reached by road and takes about 1 hour from Pokhara. However, it is more enjoyable to walk up from the highway.

I was persuaded that I never was in Astam before but Ajay told me that I was there during my stay as a volunteer in 2008.  First I couldn't believe it.
Ajay explained to me that we were there on trekking but staid at a higher situated mountain hut. 

"Mountain hut, Astam 10 years ago" by Yvette Depaepe


"Sunrise with the volonteers, Astam 10 years ago" by Yvette Depaepe

He also told me that I took many great shots in the village when we were trekking back to Pokhara.
To proof it, he asked for my I-Pad and went through my 1x portfolio and pointed out my all favourite image from a little girl about 3 years old, taken in Astam village 10 years ago.


The same day, we walked through the village asking if somebody recognized this little girl.
Unfortunately, not positive reactions...

"Sorry ... we don't know" by Marc Apers


"No idea... sorry" by Marc Apers

In the evening, we went for dinner in the resort itself.  Many locals from all ages were there. Stubborn as he is, Ajay showed the picture of the little girl going from one local to another.
A very pleasant group conversation began and turned into a real investigation case.
Everybody was guessing who that child was.  She was 3 years old ten years ago, so she should be 13 years old now.  After discussing a long time, finally everybody agreed that this girl was Namrata.

The day after, early morning, we decided to go and look again for Namrata.  Surprisingly, many locals we met the day before while having dinner came to help!!!

Walking through the village, one of the locals suddenly told us that he recognized the facade of the little house where I took the picture.
Unfortunately, the house was inhabited since a while.  Another local told us that Namrata and her family moved to another house in the village and he knew their new place.

The whole group was triggered ;-)

We arrived on the other location.  A women was busy outside and a young girl was sitting in front of the house.  One of our “investigators” went to the lady and asked her if the young girl was Namrata.  And YES, it was.  The lady was Namrata's mom.

"Namrata's mother" by Marc Apers

When we showed Namrata the picture taken 10 years ago, she was so amazed, pleased, a little embarrassed and started laughing nervously.  She was looking at me with big wondering eyes.
Namrata and her mom gave us a warm welcome, served some tea and were chatting with us.
Of course, I took some new portraits of Namrata and Marc took a picture of the two of us.


"Namrata, 10 years later" by Yvette Depaepe


"Namrata and Yvette" by Marc Apers

What a day!!!
What a beautiful end of this story and what an amazing bonus to our trip!
I promised Namrata to send her prints from her portrait from 10 years ago and from the shots we took a decade later ;-).

If you plan to go to Nepal in the future, this is the address to be

Footprints Nepal Travels and Tours
GPO Box 8974, Kathmandu Nepal
Phone: +977 9851087899

E-Mail: [email protected]

Nowhere in the world one can find the same concentration of cultures, art and tradition.
Follow your own steps to create positive footprints with responsible tourism... and let us be part of the changes taking CSR working together with Foundation Care for All 


Wonderful story I enjoyed very much reading it. Must be a beautiful memory for you dear Yvette.
Yes, it is ... but plenty of great memories from my volonteership. I offered a real picnick to the kids of my little school in a park nearby. We cooked over there: limonade, chips, full meal with meat, and ice-cream. Some of the children never had anything of all that in their life. The 3 teachers made a great Nepali outfit for me and every kid wrote a letter to me. I still have them all and cherish them.
What an amzing and touching story! Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you so much, Birgit! Glad you like it ;-) cheers, Yvette
what a wonderful story and photos.Thank you.
Many thanks to you, dear Olga!!!
What a beautiful story and lovely, warm photos...I really hope to be able to go to Nepal one day. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your lovely reaction, dear Tamara! Cheers, Yvette
Oh, what a great story, thank you for sharing!
Thank you, dear Charlaine!
Wonderful story and pictures!
Thanks a lot, my friend!
Beautiful story, and wonderful photos !! Yvette !!
Many thanks, my dear friend!
What a wonderful and emotive story, dear Yvette !!! You brought me back into the magical atmosphere of Nepal and its fantastic people... !!! Thank you so much for sharing this :-) Compliments to you and also to Marc for such beautiful photos !!!
Thank you so much, Fabiola. I'm happily suprised to see how many people love this story. Glad I shared it. To be honest, I doubted about it for a while. So good to realise that the 1x readers are dealing with emotions as much through stories as through photographs. A pleasure that I brought you back to the magical atmosphere of Nepal and the warm Nepali people. Cheers, Yvette
this is a so lovely story with great portraits!
Thank you so much, Nic. I'm glad you (and everyone) like it ;-) Cheers, Yvette
Beautiful story and pictures
Thanks a lot, Christophe!
What a touching story and great photos. Thank you for sharing with us !
Many thanks, Ina!
Wow, how precious is that. Made my day!
;-) Thanks, dear friend!
Touching and beautiful
Many thanks, David ;-)
Great story and nice pics!
Thank you dear Christine!
Glad that i was part of this search, thanks Yvette !
;-) Glad you were there, Marc!
Great story and Photography. Thanks for sharing. I am touched.
Thanks a lot, dear friend! Cheers, Yvette
Excellent story, beautiful pictures. I is refreshing my memories to my journey to Nepal some time ago. Thank you very much dear Yvette and Marc.
Glad you like it, Miro! Big thanks from Marc and myself. Cheers, Yvette
Really your dedication and dynamic personality inspires everyone, the story by itself is very touchy, some people will do everything for photography ( and that's not mean we are sick but another way around photography is magic for who in love with it), I have been active on 1X since 2015 and so many reasons keep me in touch, one of them is you, Yvette. just to see your work and your dedication, I immediately get active again, best of luck ( really amazing human being, and Mr. Marc as well ( great travel photographer )
Dear Ahmed, I'm really touched by your words and blushing!!! Thank you so much, my friend. Warm greetings, Yvette
Wonderful Yvette ! Your persistent tracking tells me much about yourself, in search of fine humanist stories. I guess you offered the photo to Namrata :-))
Not yet, Luc! These people don't have post addresses like we have high above in the mountains there. But or friend Ajay will bring the prints to Namrata ;-) Thanks for your fine comment and appreciation ;-)
Photography makes us sometimes relive moments of the past, is the case. Beautiful story that recalls well past times. Congratulations, dear Yvette.
Thank you so much for your appréciation, Fernando! Photographic joy all over to Nepal ;-)
Une très belle histoire dont tu vas te souvenir longtemps, des images superbes pour ce magnifique voyage, merci Yvette pour ce partage et merci aussi à Marc et à son épouse !!!
Merci à toi, Thierry... Souvenir brûlé dans ma mémoire à tout jamais. Marc et son épouse ont partagé avec joie cette journée mémorable ;-)
Thanks, dear Massimo!
wow what a lovely travel story, and from this story I can feel that the true meaning and loveliness of photographying. Thanks for sharing and this made my day~, dear Yvette.
Wow, what a fine comment, Derek. Thank you so much my friend! Greetings, Yvette
Hello Ivette: No doubt it's a wonderful story and I love that you shared it. They are beautiful photos that will surely have loved this family. I like to see you more closely, in which you are with Nembretta, it is a very beautiful photo. I take this opportunity to greet you, congratulate you and send you a warm greeting.
Dear Asuncion, thank you so much for your lovely reaction and appreciation. Many hugs back, my friend ;-)
What a lovely story and great pictures. Greetings Ute
Thank you so much, dear Ute! Have a great weekend ahead. Cheers, Yvette
Great story, dear Yvette. Very emotive. Hope you had a very great time out there in Nepal. All the best to all of you. Greetings.
Thank you, dear Joxe! Marc and I did have a terrific time in Nepal... Cheers, Yvette
Wonderful story of a fascinating photographic journey into the past. With appropriate, accompanying and excellent photos of both of you ... Congratulations .
Thanks a lot, Gil! This was a day to remember forever ;-)