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Thierry Dufour: Photographer of the week

by Editor  Yvette Depaepe

Thierry Dufour is a great artist when it comes to macro photography.  His passion for nature, for the tiny little world that surrounds us, captivates him.  He loves to  discover and most of all to watch that world nearly invisible that we often ignore.  A shame for him because it is so exciting. A reason for him to share it with us.

Discover more about Thierry's personality behind his wonderful macro shots.

«The morning dew created its artwork...»

Briefly tell us about yourself, your hobbies and other jobs.
I am Thierry Dufour, I am 65 years old and I was born in Ardèche, France. I love nature, walks, observe the beauty that offers our planet.


«A Midsummer Night's Dream...»

What first attracted you to photography?
Having the opportunity to capture an instant of Nature, and share it with as many people as possible, is the main reason that I was drawn into photography.


«Rocket launch...»


«Wedding proposal»     



Describe your overall photographic vision.
Photography as a whole interests me, thanks to the digital techniques and software, photography has assumed a very great importance in our civilization and has become an art just like painting.


«Clean up the blue planet...»

Why are you so drawn by Macro Photography?
As said previously I enjoy a lot Nature and the macro was spontaneous to me. The little tiny world that surrounds us, almost invisible, is truly amazing and we have a few surprises that inspire me. I love to discover and most of all watching this life that we often forget and it is a shame, because it is exciting.


«In the forest of feathers...»


«At the edge of the sea of ice...»

What is more important to you, the mood, story behind your images or the technical perfection?
For me, the most important element is the atmosphere that reigns at the moment I'm going to take my pictures. I am completely disconnected from the outside world.


«On holiday under the umbrella...»


«The colour is stronger than the words...»

What generally is your relationship to your subject matter beyond being an observer?
Do you prepare carefully the locations where you are intending to photograph?
First of all, I try to be in osmosis with the little insect I want to photograph. Patience, do not make sudden gestures, and wait for the perfect time. I do not prepare anything, all my macros are made on gut instinct, and freehand.

What gear do you use (camera, lenses, bag)?
I use an Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II with a macro lens 60mm 1: 2.8 from Olympus.

What software do you use to process your images?
For image processing I use Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 and Photoshop.

What is your most important advice to a beginner in Macro Photography and how do you get started?
The most important thing in macro is to first be an observer of nature, a lot of patience and the right equipment. With these three rules you can already start to embark in this adventure.


«Ephemeral waves...»

Who are your favourite photographers and more importantly, how has your appreciation of their work affected how you approach your own photography? 
I really don't have any favourite photographers. I especially like the wildlife photographers and macro photographers in general, it is mainly they who have influenced me. And on 1X, I think that I couldn't dream of a better place to discover ideas because it really is here that there are a countless number of talented photographers.

Are there any specific directions that you would like to take your photography in the future or any specific goals that you wish to achieve?
Since the beginning of my infancy photographic, I am completely amateur and I am quite happy with what I do, what I make. I'm going to continue in the macro photo because this is what suits me best, trying to improve myself as much as possible and trying to get a little more technical.


«Hello, nice end of the year celebrations...»


«Symphony unfinished"

Describe your favourite photograph taken by you and why it is special to you?
My favourite picture that I took is that of a weevil, which really inspired me for the rest of my macros. It has become my fetish insect, and as you can see in my portfolio, it has a particular importance.


«Elephant miniaturized»

Is there anything else you wish to add  and what do you think about 1X as a home base for your work?
I love to share my passion on 1x.  This community is fabulous for me.  When I see the work of all the talented photographers on the site, I feel really lucky to be part of it.  My special thanks to Yvette for inviting me and giving me the opportunity to share my work through this interview.  She's not only a talented photographer, but also a very kind person.  Her dedication and involvement on 1x is great.


«Waiting for the sun»
Maravillosa galeria de fotografias Macro
What a splendid gallery of macro shots. Stunning composition and choice of subject.
Many thanks dear Usha !!!
Thierry is a magnificent macro photographer, he is the one who convinced me, the macro is not just technical work, technicality is important, but none can miss the vision and the beauty in his work
A big thank my friend Ahmed, best regards !!!
Congratiulations with this interesting article about you and your inspiring, very appealing macro work! Best Regards Mattheus.
Thank very much Mattheus, best regards !!!
Congrats Thierry!
Thank you so much dear Milena !!!
Thank a lot Zhou, best regards !!!
Congrats ,Thierry and well deserved . Gr,sas
Thank you very much dear Saskia, best regards !!!
Congrats my friend, love your work , stunning always, full with emotions and nice colors, I’m always happy to see your photographs, artwork here on 1x so peaceful, simply wonderful.
A big thank my friend Dalibor, best regards !!!
Congratulations, your work is always an inspiration, simplicity but so graphic.
Thank you so much Jerry, best regards !!!
Amazing work!!
Many thanks dear Monique, best regards !!!
Most interesting interview, Thierry, supported by beautiful and well conceived images. Congratulations!
Thank you very much Robert, greetings !!!
absolutely remarkable work in highest Quality, my admiration Thierry
Thank you so much my friend Hans-Wolfgang, best regards !!!
Congratulations Thierry ... a fine article and above all strong and very recognisable macro work.
Many thanks Luc, greetings !!!
Stunning macros with a poetic feel to them.
Thank you so much dear Katarina, best regards !!!
I knew some photos from your portfolio, Thierry. Now I discovered further gorgeous and poetic ones... Thank you for sharing with us your ideas about photography !!
Thank you very much Settimio, greetings !!!
Congratulations Thierry for your impressive macro-photography portfolio! Thank you Yvette for this wonderdul interview! :-)
A big thank my friend Marius, best regards !!!
Wonderful world of macro and work, Thierry, congrats!!
Many thanks my friend Jacob, best regards !!!
Beautiful macro photos in a special atmosphere. I love them! Congratulations Thierry!
Thank you so much Nel, greetings !!!
:)) Un grand merci Mathilde, amitiés !!!
Impressive your work, you are a reference in macro photography. Beautiful interview, congratulations!

Thanks to Yvette for this interesting interview

Thank you very much Martin, greetings !!!
What Greetje said! I love Thierry's unique style...a peaceful and delicate view of the small world around us. I also love his camaraderie and positive attitude--a wonderful reminder of how the 1x community brings people together across genres and continents. (and, of course, thanks to Yvette for a great interview).
A big thank my friend Greg for yours words, best regards !!!
Brilliant macro photographs. I enjoyed viewing them. Thank you very much.
Many thanks Miro, greetings !!!
Great and unique images! Many, many congrats!!!
Thank you so much Francesco, greetings !!!
Amazing Macro work !! Thierry !! Very beautiful !!
A big thank Teruhiko, greetings !!!
Félicitations Thierry!
Thank you so much my friend Julien, best regards !!!
Sincères félicitations Thierry , "photographer of the week" : c'est la consécration ! La reconnaissance méritée d'une formidable série de photomacrographie, au coeur même de l'infiniment petit et dont vous seul savez capturer l'insoupçonnable beauté . Best regards.
Un grand merci pour ces mots Marcel, amicalement Thierry !!!
Congratulations Thierry for this recognition, Magnificent macro photographs. A great job and a great collection. My recognition and admiration. Felicitations mon ami !!
Thank you so much Jois, greetings !!!
verdon PRO
Gorgeous body of work, big fan of your work and also it was nice to know you a bit more, deserving huge thank you and also thank you Yvette as well, cheers Verdon!
Many thanks my friend, best regards !!!
I'm delighted to see Thierry as photographer of the week. I admire his macro fotography. Mostly I recocnize his picture immediatley. He has his own particular style. And the photo's are piece for piece of extremely beauty. Whis to see much more of you Thierry. And thanks to Yvette for this magnificent interviev!
Thank you very much dear Greetje, greetings !!!
Great work Thierry to show the beauty and emotions of the little little creatures! see-u sepp
Thank you very much my friend, best regards !!!
Nice interview from a photographer who is inspiring to me. Thanks Thierry and Yvette.
Thank you so much Piet, greetings !!!
Congratulations for this well-deserved reward for your perseverance and good work. A hug, my friend thierry
Thank you vrey much Juan Luis, best regards my friend !!!
Impressive!! Love the photos and interview!!!!
Thank you very much Nuelle, best regards !!!
Fantastic interview and great that selection of photographs. All impressive. An opportunity to get to know you better, my friend. Congratulations to Thierry for the honor of being the photographer of the week, and to Yvette for that work. regards
A big thank my friend Jose, best regards !!!
Thank you for your appreciation, Jose!
Your Macro work is such an inspiration and at the same time a frustration, because I would love so much to be able to achieve such magnificent Macro images as you do Thierry! I absolutely love your work and wish you all the best for the future. Thank you too Yvette, for once again introducing us to yet another excellent ( and humble) photographer.
True, Thierry is a great and humble artist photographer, Wayne! Thanks for your appreciation!
Many thanks for yours words Wayne, best regards my friend !!!
Merci Yvette et bravo Thierry pour ce bel article et ces magnifiques photos
Un réel plaisir de pouvoir interviewer Thierry, Christophe. Merci pour ton gentil commentaire!!!
Un grand merci Christophe, amitiés !!!
Amazing Macro work, Thierry. It is a beautiful small world for sure! Congrats on the interview, well deserved!
Thank you so much David, best regards !!!
Merci beaucoup Eric, amicalement Thierry !!!
Thanks Yvette and thanks fot Thierry . I love the work of this artist
Thank you, Martine! It was very nice to interview Thierry. Love his work too ;-)
:) Merci beaucoup Martine, amitiés !!!
great interview. thanks a lot for the insight and congrats, Thierry and Yvette.
Thanks a lot for your appreciation, Paulo!
Many thanks Paulo, greetings !!!
Thierry, A great interview and a wonderful presentation of your always very nice work. You are a great one in macro. And also thanks to Yvette for the nice presentation. Theo
Thank you, Theo ;-)
A big thank Theo, greetings !!!
Splendide immagini, Complimenti
Many thanks Massimo, greetings !!!
Superb images and fine interview, Thierry! Thanks for your collaboration and effort to answer the questions in English ;-) And thanks a lot for your kind words in the last paragraph!!! You make me blush! Cheers, Yvette
Un grand merci Yvette pour ton travail et ta gentillesse, bizzz !!!